The D-Day 75 Garden was created by donations for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. It is a memorial to commemorate the British participation of the Normandy Landings on 6 June 1944
The design of the garden features a sculpture of Second World War veteran Bill Pendell MM sat on a stone looking out. In front of him are sculptures of young British soldiers coming ashore on the 6 June 1944.
Designed by multi Royal Horticultural Show gold medal winner John Everiss, the D-Day 75 Garden allows visitors to pause, reflect and learn.
The memorial is surrounded at both ends by two sculptures facing each other. The left side is that of Pendell, sat on the stone looking back across at his 22 year old self. The young figure is frozen before storming the beach alongside his comrades. Some are struggling to get ashore as the waves break. The memorial shows four waves breaking and captures the rough seas of 6 June 1944. The metal posts protruding from the sea represent the beach obstacles faced by the soldiers, known as ‘Rommels Asparagus’.
It is on this scene that, 75 years on, Pendell sits to reflect on what took place. The memorial encourages visitors to stop and think about what it must have been like, the courage it took, and seeing friends fall around you during the battle. The garden is a fitting tribute and helps us to remember D-Day and the Normandy campaign.
Rue du Calvaire, 14117, Arromanches-les-Bains