
Wiederstandnest 44 (WN44)






Wiederstandnest 44 (WN44) was a Resistance Nest that sat on the clifftop rising west of the town of Arromanches-les-Bains. Wiederstandnests formed the Atlantic wall which was Nazi Germanys defensive line aimed at stopping any seaborne invasion onto the continent of northwest Europe

On 23 March 1942, Adolf Hitler issued Fuhrer Directive No. 40 which was the order for the creation of an Atlantic Wall. 6,200km of coastline needed to be defended. They used slave labour, such as Organisation Todt, and conscripted workers to build hundreds of defensive positions. 

WN44 is located to the west of the town of Arromanches-les-Bains on cliff top slope rising westwards. Here, the position was manned by Wehrmacht (army), I./ Grenadier Regiment 916, 352 Infantry Division. 

The Wiederstandnest was created in 1942 and used the 10m high raised area where the cliff began to climb west. WN44 overlooked the beach area and back towards WN43, creating interlocking fields of fire down onto the beach at Arromanches-les-Bains. 

A concrete casemate with a MG34 machine gun was built overlooking the beach area. This still remains today and is located at the most western end of WN44. The WN position was interconnected with slit trenches to allow the personnel to move around with cover from any incoming fire. 

To the eastern end of the position, where houses now stand, was a concrete casemate which had a 47mm Cannon within. There was a 75mm cannon which was not covered with concrete protection and was situated within the WN position. The only protection for the 75mm cannon was sandbags. Close to these was the ammunition bunker that sat in the centre area of WN44, but it is no longer present. 

At the beginning of 1943 the final position of WN44, located to the south of the position away from the cliff, was completed. This offered protection to the rear of WN44 with a firing position. In total 16 Flamewerfer (Flame Thrower) defences were located around WN44. 

Caution should be taken on the edge of the cliff area at WN44, do not cross the fences or barriers in place.​​ 

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