The Netherlands
The foundation that manages the museum, Stichting Luchtoorlog 1939-1945 (Foundation Air War 1939-1945), focuses on the air war in the Nederweert and Weert region. This aim is realised by means of site and archive research, collecting documents, and preserving and exhibiting aircraft parts. In addition, contact is maintained with former crew members and their surviving relatives.
In September 2010, Stichting Luchtoorlog 1939-1945 opened the permanent exhibition. The numerous items that remain from plane crashes in Nederweert and its surroundings are the silent witnesses to the air war on site. That war was very intense here, as the region was situated within the German Kammhuberlinie. This defence line ran from Denmark across the East Netherlands region and Belgium to Switzerland and was intended to protect Germany against Allied air raids by means of an extensive radar and alarm system. For this purpose, the line was also equipped with numerous searchlights and locations where night fighters were ready to engage in combat after an alarm. During the years of German occupation, dozens of Allied bombers and German fighters crashed in this area. To this very day, remnants of these acts of war are found and preserved.