Champ de Bataille

Advance on Walcheren






Arnemuiden is a city situated on the western end of the Walcheren Causeway. It came under artillery fire during the battle to secure the Causeway. The city was designated a Red Cross City by German troops shortly before the fighting commenced. As a result, injured civilians and soldiers could be cared for in Arnemuiden itself. The artillery bombings caused many victims among these people.

The Germans protested against the bombings, but the Canadians claimed that the German troops abused the status of Arnemuiden as a Red Cross City. Arnemuiden was right next to the western end of the Walcheren Causeway and the German troops knew that violent battles would break out there. By assigning the city the status of a Red Cross City, the German army, according to the Canadians, tried to avoid being shelled.

In the night of November 2 to 3, units of the sixth battalion of the Cameronians of the Scottish 156th Infantry Brigade successfully crossed the Sloe Channel. As a result, they were able to outflank the German troops at the Causeway. The German defences were completely overwhelmed. Scottish troops then continued their advance south toward Middelburg and the Scheldt. Important targets were Fort Rammekens and the German coastal batteries east of Vlissingen.

Visit the Zeeuwse Ankers website (Zeeland Anchors) for comprehensive information, personal stories and videos about the Battle of the Scheldt.

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