The Evacuation Monument in Angeren commemorates the citizens who experienced the evacuation and all those who died in or outside of Angeren due to the violence of war in 1940 to1945. The nearby grave monument in the catholic cemetery is a mass grave with a wooden cross and a rectangular enclosure. It is the final resting place for the 24 fallen civilian victims of the bombing on 5 October 1944.
On 5 October 1944, H. Leijser's farm 'De Hemelse Bongerd' near the dike at Paddepoel was hit by Allied bombs. All the residents, almost the entire Leijser family and the evacuees who had taken shelter here, perished. A total of 24 people.
The evacuees were mostly from Elden. They had fled to Huissen during the fighting around the Arnhem bridge in September 1944, with the idea of later moving on to the Pannerden ferry in Doornenburg. After the heavy fighting in Huissen, these people fled further to Angeren and were still overtaken by the war.
The memorial plaque at the mass grave lists the names of the 24 war dead.
The nearby Exodus Evacuation Monument on the Angerensedijk was unveiled in 2012 and was a collaboration of Historische kring Angeren and the Exodus Committee.