Lieu d'intêret

Headquarters and bust of Major General Stanisław Sosabowski





The bust of Major General Stanisław Sosabowski looks out over his headquarters, at Molenstraat 12. This house was the residence of miller Beijer in September '44. In the morning of the 22nd, the general established his headquarters there.

In the morning of 22 September, Major General Stanisław Sosabowski, commander of the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade, established his headquarters in the house at Molenstraat 12. His bust now overlooks the former headquarters. In a wide circle around the house of miller Beijer, the various army units moved into position. They dug foxholes and set up a defense line.

From his command post, the general went to inspect his soldiers and, to the great hilarity of his men, he travelled on a ladies' bicycle.


De Polen van Driel