Segment d'itinéraire de notre partenaire
Segment d'itinéraire de notre partenaire
On this route, you will cycle through the landscape of the Battle of the Scheldt. The rolling hills separated the water-rich Zeeland from Brabant, the province that formed the access route to the Westerschelde for the Allies.
On this route, you will cycle through the landscape of the Battle of the Scheldt. The rolling hills separated the water-rich Zeeland from Brabant, the province that formed the access route to the Westerschelde for the Allies. This river was very important, because it gave access to the port of Antwerp. The Allied Sherman tank and the German tank moat are visible reminders of the battle on this route. As are the memorial graveyards in Bergen op Zoom, where fallen Canadian and British soldiers - as well as other Allied soldiers - found their final resting place.