Paesi Bassi
Indicazioni stradali
The Biesbosch Museum Island tells the unique story of the historical development of the Biesbosch. Visitors discover the freshwater tidal area created after the Sint Elisabethflood of 1421. The inhabitants, their economic activity, their crafts and nature are featured. With a special focus on the people in hiding and 'front line- crossers' during World War II.
National Park De Biesbosch is Europe's largest freshwater tidal area. A unique river delta with tides, islands, gullies, creeks and willow forests. During the war, many people in hiding lived in the inaccessible area. After all, the German occupiers preferred not to venture there.
In 1944, the Biesbosch became a no man's land between occupied and liberated territory. Resistance fighters sailed in boats in the dark right through the inhospitable Biesbosch from north to south and vice versa. Even a British general, John Hackett, was ferried into liberated territory by the 'front line-crossers'. All this under the eyes of the German sentries scattered here and there throughout the Biesbosch.