The Museum was established to commemorate the sacrifice of the people involved on the Gustav Line battle front for more than eight months between October 1943 and May 1944 using all techniques that can involve and captivate the general public, and not only those interested in the subject.
The visit itinerary unfolds through the most emblematic stages of the 20th century: the evocation of the work of St. Benedict, the two world wars, the construction of the Gustav Line, the shelling of the abbey of Montecassino, military strategies, the testimonies of civilians, the rebirth of the territory and the strength to rebuild. The exhibition route involves visitors in a multi-sensory experience, through the contamination of different languages: theatre, contemporary art, film.
Made by Carlo Rambaldi, the renowned inventor of film characters such as E.T. and King Kong, known for special effects, it was inaugurated in July 2016. The entire facility is spread over an area of 1,200 square metres and comprises six pavilions. The main one consists of fourteen multimedia rooms, in which one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War - the Battle of Montecassino - is recounted through unedited films, special effects and 3D images. The entire pavilion is adorned with information drapes showing the thousand-year history of the abbey, the works of the Benedictines and photos of the 36 municipalities affected by the terrible clash before and after the war. Leaving the multimedia tour, visitors can admire the original uniforms and objects of the twelve nationalities that fought on the Gustav Line in several rooms.