
House of Remembrance





The House of Remembrance, located in the Isola district that has become the centre of 21st century Milan after the Expo, hosts the associations and documents that preserve the memory of Milan in the 20th century, with specific reference to WWII and this period of terrorism.

In 2010, the Milan City Council approved the construction of a building to house associations in the city that deal with the historical remembrance of the Resistance, deportation to Nazi camps, terrorism and massacres of the second half of the 20th century. The Porta Nuova area was chosen as the site for the new structure, which at that time was undergoing extensive urban redevelopment.

In 2011, the Baukuh architecture studio in Milan won the 'contest of ideas' for young architects under 40. The construction work took place between 2013 and 2015. The facade consist of bricks. A frame of slightly protruding pilasters and architraves forms a series of large squares in which images made of bricks in six different colours are placed. The nineteen squares accommodate eight historical images in the upper band and eleven portraits in the lower band.

The House of Remembrance opened its doors on 24 April 2015, the 70th anniversary of the Liberation. A video installation by Danny Rose entitled 'Gli occhi della resistenza' (The Eyes of Resistance) was presented for the occasion. The House of Remembrance also hosts the project 'Don't kill' (8 neon signs, 2017) by artist Fabrizio Dusi.

The building is home to:

  • Istituto Nazionale Ferruccio Parri (formerly Insmli), founded by Ferruccio Parri in 1949, the main institute for conservation, research and dissemination on the Resistance, with over 60 sections in Italy

  • National Association of Ex-Deportees in Nazi Camps (Aned), established in 1968 and with 26 sections throughout the country. He is involved in study and dissemination on the subject of deportation

  • Milan section of Associazione Nazionale Partigiani Italiani (Anpi), the main partisan association, which was founded in 1944. The Milan provincial ANPI, with its 110 sections, aims to promote cultural and historical initiatives on the themes of antifascism, the Italian and European Resistance and peace, especially among young people

  • Piazza Fontana Association 12 December 1969, established to keep alive the memory of the massacre at the National Bank of Agriculture and to affirm the responsibility of the neo-fascist group 'Ordine Nuovo'

  • Italian Association of Victims of Terrorism (Aviter), established in Turin in 1985 and devoted to the protection of victims and their families and the development of a culture based on legality.

The House of Remembrance also hosts temporary exhibitions, cultural events and citizenship workshops.


Via Federico Confalonieri, 14, 20124


+39 (0) 288444102 /