In 2014, a plaque commemorating the contribution of Italian women to the Resistance was placed near the municipality and the ANPI headquarters (National Association of Italian Partisans).
The contribution of women to the Resistance was fundamental, despite being underestimated for a long time.
On 8 September, they carried out an important operation to save straggling soldiers, along with the other groups of persecuted people. Following this, they then became directly involved in partisan activity: often as relay girls, but in some cases also as fighting partisans.
The choice to join the Resistance Movement was even more significant for women, because it was not induced by conscription notices. However, even at the end of the war, their role in the Liberation parades and in the recognition commissions was still underestimated.
In recent years, however, both historiography and public memory have recovered and enhanced it. This is also demonstrated by the plaque which was placed in 2014 in Via del Loreto, near the town hall and the ANPI headquarters.
Among the women protagonists of the Lucca Resistance were Maria Lazzareschi, GDD leader; Nara Marchetti, partisan fighter and later UDI and ANPI leader; and Maria Eletta Martini, relay girl and later a main figure of Catholic associationism.
Via del Loreto, 21, Lucca