
House of Culture and Memory





The House of Culture and Memory in Marzabotto was inaugurated on 28 January 2016. It is a cultural centre, a place of documentary preservation, a hub for remembering the past and making 20th century history known to students, citizens and tourists.

The path that led to the establishment of the House of Culture and Memory in Marzabotto was long and complex. The site was located in a completely restored building where the town's primary school used to be.

It performs several functions: it is a multifunctional institute equipped to welcome students, delegations and tourists who visit the town and the Parco Storico di Monte Sole (Monte Sole Historical Park) every day. It hosts organisations, associations and cultural bodies. It is a centre for the preservation of documentary and bibliographic material and a place made available to local associations.

It hosts the Municipal Library, which holds over 10.000 open-shelf volumes, including the book collection of the Honours Committee, guaranteeing reading and lending; the Municipal Historical Archive; the "Painting and Remembrance" art collection, which includes the works presented in the 1960 and 1961 competitions in remembrance of the Nazi-Fascist massacres of '44; the archive of the Honours Committee, comprising the Documentation Centre for the study of Nazi-Fascist massacres and war reprisals, which preserves both book material and archival documentation divided into paper, audio-visual and photographic collections: the local Pro loco, the offices of the Monte Sole Historical Park; the headquarters of the Regional Committee for Honours to the Fallen of Marzabotto, the Association of Victims of the Nazi-Fascist massacres in Grizzana, Marzabotto, Monzuno and surrounding areas in 1943-44. the Family Centre of the Bolognese Apennines, etc.

In 2021, the Monte Sole Interpretation Centre was inaugurated in a section of the building, a place of remembrance divided into three rooms: the first on rural life in Monte Sole in the years before the massacre, the second on the war and the massacres of 1944, the third on the Resistance and the partisan brigade 'Stella Rossa Lupo', named after the commander Mario Musolesi, who was killed on 29 September 1944 and decorated with the Gold Medal of Military Valour. The exhibition includes explanatory panels, photographs, objects and documentary material.


Via Aldo Moro 2, 40043 Marzabotto


+ 39 051 6780501