
Symbol of eternity





Zuidlaren's resistance monument is undeniably a resistance monument. It depicts a man facing a firing squad. He appears to be resigned to his fate. He radiates impassiveness: a symbol of eternity.

Mayor Roukema of Zuidlaren had already promised as much in his liberation speech, delivered on Liberation Day, as he said that a monument would be erected for the Zuidlaarder victims of the war.  

Lidy van Mourik Broekman was commissioned to create the monument. Apart from the names of 12 Zuidlaarders who died in the war, a text underscores what that war was about: 'The freedom of the spirit flourishes beyond time and death'. 

The names on the monument each recall men who were committed to protecting that freedom of the mind. Several Zuidlaarders ended up before the German occupiers' firing squad. This included Geert Por, who lost his life as a 25-year-old on the Witterveld near Assen when he was shot alongside others. Por was very active in the resistance, despite his youth.  

Por was born in Peizermade and went to horticultural school, but he started his career as a marechaussee. When it was transformed into state police, he resigned and became a groundskeeper at Dennenoord psychiatric hospital. This allowed him to move freely without arousing suspicion. He became a member of the Hondsrug assault squad and hid weapons in various places on the grounds of Dennenoord.  His involvement included the raid on the town hall in Stadskanaal and the fire at Exloo town hall. Geert was rounded up with other members of the assault squad on 31 July 1943.