Gino Lombardi was Versilia's first and most famous partisan. He came from an anti-fascist family, was an expert in the use of weapons, founded the Cacciatori delle Alpi Apuane (Hunters of the Apuan Alps) militia, escaped several Fascist raids and was killed in combat at Sarzana.
Gino Lombardi was born in Querceta di Seravezza in 1920.
At the outbreak of WWII was mobilised and sent to Rhodes.
Returning to Pisa in 1943 he was assigned to the San Giusto airport. After the 31 August bombing, he evacuated to Ruosina, taking his family and that of his fiancée Margherita Cervelli with him.
With his father and his friend Piero Consani he organised the first partisan militia in the area at La Porta, to which he gave the name 'Cacciatori delle Alpi Apuane' (Apuan Alps Hunters).
The first actions included the theft of a mimeograph from the Stazzema municipality and the theft of chestnut flour from the Farnocchia heap.
On 18 February, fascists from Forte dei Marmi tried to surprise Lombardi at his house in Ruosina, but Gino escaped in adventurous way.
On 23 March, the Nazi-Fascists started an extensive roundup with the aim of interrupting the actions of the 'Apuan Hunters'. However, the latter, with the cooperation of the local population, were warned in good time and managed to break free. The fascists then burnt down Lombardi's house in Ruosina and all his family members were arrested and imprisoned.
On 17 April 1944, the 'Cacciatori' were again attacked by the fascists on Monte Gabberi. After this clash, Lombardi thought of moving his partisans to the Upper Lunigiana and, with Piero Consani and Ottorino Balestri, headed towards Equi Terme for a survey. Stopped for a tip off in Sarzana, the three engaged in combat and Lombardi was shot dead.
In July 1944 the formations operating in the Versilia mountains took on the name X Garibaldi bis 'Gino Lombardi' Brigade.
A plaque today commemorates Lombardi in Farnocchia di Stazzema, where a street was also named after him. Another plaque in his and Consani's memory was placed in 2005 in Sarzana. Ruosina features a family tomb and a monument to fallen partisans.